Thursday, September 26, 2024

who took the sun

This is a draft, I think. Some story idea, or a fragment of something already written,  temporarily separated from the pack. 

Through the haze comes enough light for lichen and moss. The whole world in the crepuscular zone. Everywhere though, there is no nightfall. 


The only way for that to work... The world would have to be a hollow sphere around a star, like a Dyson sphere. Would that work? With gravity and all that, because the star would pull them toward the center. The sphere could spin. But no, it wouldn't be uniform. Centrifugal force acting as gravity would push everything to the "equator", I think, so a person walking towards the north or south "poles" would start to get pulled backwards, headfirst. 

I think. 

I'm at the point where I'm not sure I know what I'm imagining. 

No wonder these types of stories always have some kind of artificial gravity generator. Who needs physics when you've for science magic. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Seven hours

Seven hours and 34 minutes until I get up tomorrow morning to take Ender to work. We have been practicing parallel parking, the section he failed on his driving test last week. He did mostly keep pretty well, although the recycling bin might have some complaints. 

My father wanted to teach him by finding parking spots in the wild. Fortunately they didn't find any during their attempt. I measured out an area of about 20 feet and placed the garbage bin and the recycling bin at each end, sticking out into the street about as far as a car might. (One of the advantages of living in this neighborhood; nobody really cares and they're mostly used to our shenanigans.)

Ender was able to park successfully most of the time. One time he got too excited and backed up far enough to hit the back trash can, but it's big and plastic and it was fine. Didn't even fall over. 

I think he has a decent shot at passing. The strategy is to undershoot it a little and then wiggling into place. He has gotten it perfectly lined up several times, but I think if you hit the curb it's an automatic fail. 

We'll see. I won't mind terribly if he doesn't pass for another week (I think) because I do enjoy talking to him about stuff in the morning. 

He doesn't seem bored of me, which is nice. I think he will be much happier when he's a little more independent. And heck, he'll be able to sleep an extra 45 minutes. I work in the exact opposite direction so I have to take him much earlier than he needs to be there. 

Seven hours and 19 minutes. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The Temporary Strand

Passing shipwrecks on my way to work. The salty smell of the sea lingers as I take my seat and boot up my computer. I live in a desert valley, and I should not be carefully maneuvering my car around sunken ships and wringing brine from my coat. 

A garden of seaweed is growing up from the rocks of my xeriscaped yard. It sways as if underwater, independent of the breeze. 

The sky begins to shimmer. A glittering skin above me, as if I'm underwater. 

Maybe it will be gone tomorrow. 

Monday, September 23, 2024

Alone, not listless

It occurs to me that I've never lived alone before. Took me a few weeks to realize. Sometimes I'm a little slow to figure things out. 

I will have a roommate, eventually. For the moment, it's just me and the mutts. 

I don't...feel alone. Probably having the dogs helps.

I do like having an idea of how I want things and just...putting them that way. 

I haven't changed too much yet. I've got some ideas about custom bookshelves. I spent a few hours setting up my writing desk. It's a legit letter-writing desk. It's not great as a computer desk but that's what it is now; get with the times, desk. My handwriting is terrible anyway. 

I'm not writing at the desk now. Because that would make sense and well, that's just not where we're at right now. 

Probably the reason I don't feel too different is because most of my family is still on this block. I should go visit my younger brother. Yell at him for not selling me his Toyota 4Runner. 

It's for the best. I'm happy with my hybrid. I forget that I always wanted a hybrid. It seems strange that I finally have one. Maybe I should go up North and visit friends. Flagstaff is probably not too cold, yet. 

I don't like the cold very much. Well, it's not my preference. 

Most of the ocean is cold, I think.