Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Seven hours

Seven hours and 34 minutes until I get up tomorrow morning to take Ender to work. We have been practicing parallel parking, the section he failed on his driving test last week. He did mostly keep pretty well, although the recycling bin might have some complaints. 

My father wanted to teach him by finding parking spots in the wild. Fortunately they didn't find any during their attempt. I measured out an area of about 20 feet and placed the garbage bin and the recycling bin at each end, sticking out into the street about as far as a car might. (One of the advantages of living in this neighborhood; nobody really cares and they're mostly used to our shenanigans.)

Ender was able to park successfully most of the time. One time he got too excited and backed up far enough to hit the back trash can, but it's big and plastic and it was fine. Didn't even fall over. 

I think he has a decent shot at passing. The strategy is to undershoot it a little and then wiggling into place. He has gotten it perfectly lined up several times, but I think if you hit the curb it's an automatic fail. 

We'll see. I won't mind terribly if he doesn't pass for another week (I think) because I do enjoy talking to him about stuff in the morning. 

He doesn't seem bored of me, which is nice. I think he will be much happier when he's a little more independent. And heck, he'll be able to sleep an extra 45 minutes. I work in the exact opposite direction so I have to take him much earlier than he needs to be there. 

Seven hours and 19 minutes. 

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