Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Anger. Boorish. Churlish. Decadent. Elegy. Flim-flam. Golem. Hibernate. Ilk. Juxtapose. Kilowatt. Lisp. Mendacity. Neep (not a word, just a sound). Otter (river or otherwise). Pontoon. Questions. Reservation. Smattering. Tenacity. Unguent. Veracity. Whoop (the word and the sound). Xylograph (I had to look it up; an engraving in wood or woodcut, especially used in printing). Yench (word I just made up for the feeling of picking up a cold can of drink to take another sip but it's now empty.) Zany.

Getting the blog band back together hasn't been going well. Some of my most interesting friends also seem to be the best at hiding their tracks. One of my favorites, kermit, had long been wary of the hazards of the digital landscape. I imagine them leaping across the digital rooftops at night, helping those in need and then vanishing, leaving nary a trace.

My generation, such as it is, grew up in the nascent world of connectedness, and losing contact with large amounts of people was a normal thing. Graduating elementary and middle school. Or just a friend that moves out of state. Gone. Did we appreciate life and each other more knowing we could lose each other at any moment and never know what happened?

I don't think we did. 

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