Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Food and Drug Administration has been getting a lot of flak lately for their seeming "incompetence." Sure, a little E. coli got into our spinach, of course cat and dog food has a few deadly chemicals in it, why shouldn't high fructose corn syrup be the foundation of an American diet?

But the liberal teh elites that run the media never take time to acknowledge all the good the FDA is doing. For instance:

My sister and I took the twins to the grocery store yesterday and behold: the FDA has finally decreed that Spam must have its age printed clearly on front of the can. Ender is naysaying my suggestion to purchase the vintage Spam and suggests that he'd rather gnaw off his own hand. His opinion is a bit biased, however; I've been raising him as Druish and he believes that spigs are unclean animals. He is pretty devout for his age; when he eats he won't even use a spork.

Joshua (in the back-background) I've been raising to worship Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent. In his case I yielded to my weakness for the cuddly deities.

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