Thursday, March 25, 2004

Ah, The Unforgiving Light Of Morning...

I managed to make it to my classes today. I had to scrap my get-up-early-and-do-homework plan that I had hastily formed before dropping off to sleep last night/this morning.

I feel good.

I'm toying with the idea of some stand-up comedy. There are a lot of places around here to do it, and it looks like an interesting life.

Of course, I'm basing that entirely from watching the documentary Comedian last Tuesday. I highly recommend checking it out.

Now I'm working on a few bits. A few aren't anything ground-breaking. One is a (fictional) account of how my parents treated our pets better than they treated us. Another is about overcoming addictions by replacing them with other addictions.

There is a bit I want to work with, but I'm really not sure where it might end up going. It's a sarcastic piece about "finally having the technology to pull off the movies I always wanted to see when I was little like X-Men, Spiderman, and The Passion of the Christ.

Eh? Eh?"

*cricket cricket*

Then again, there is a reason I don't do stand-up comedy. When I write, I don't see my audience. I thankfully miss out on all the I Don't Get It's and What Are You Talking About's and That's Really More Pathetic Than It Is Funny's.

I'll have to work on that.

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